Shah Rukh Khan has sustained minor injuries while shooting a dance sequence for his film Happy New Year in J W Marriott, in Juhu, a western suburb of Mumbai. A door reportedly crashed on to him, causing the injuries. The actor started bleeding, and was rushed to Nanavati hospital in Vile Parle, another western suburb of Mumbai. Happy New Year has been directed by Farah Khan, and co-stars Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani and Sonu Sood.
In an update, SRK's office has issued an official statement: 'Mr Khan had a minor accident on the sets while shooting. He has a minor injury and has got the necessary medical aid. Mr Khan is absolutely fine now. Thank you for all your wishes!'
Shah Rukh has been discharged from hospital.
In an update, SRK's office has issued an official statement: 'Mr Khan had a minor accident on the sets while shooting. He has a minor injury and has got the necessary medical aid. Mr Khan is absolutely fine now. Thank you for all your wishes!'
Shah Rukh has been discharged from hospital.
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