ANR’s two unfulfilled dreams? With the sad demise of Akkineni Nageshwara Rao the industry looks orphaned. The legendary actor almost achieved all awards in the country from the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke award to State honors for his acting skills. The Natasamrat of Telugu cinema one might think in a span of 75 years of filmy career must have reached the zenith of acting and all his dreams were fulfilled but the actor had revealed that two roles he desired to act in never came true.

The two roles that ANR wished to perform were Yogi Vemana (popular Telugu poet) and the other was that of Rama Krishna Parama Hamsa who was also a poet and writer but he never got a chance to do them.
In a recent interview ANR had disclosed that these were the only roles that he did not get to perform else he
has had a glorious career.

ANR’s mammoth career is a feat that no one in the country can even get closer to and we pray departed soul to rest in peace.

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